Sunday, August 1, 2021

Here we are again….

I’m sitting in another hospital room, blogging my thoughts as therapy. No mother wants to be here. No parent wants to feel helpless when it comes to taking care of and protecting your child. But, that’s where I am…again. 
This time Grant had a bad bike wreck. We had gone out as a family to walk/ride Friday evening. Of course, coming by it naturally, Grant had to make it into a competition. He and Trent were going to try to ride 2 loops before Rudy and I could walk one. They took off and just as we got to the edge of the park, we saw Trent riding toward us, not the path he should have been taking. He was very concerned and told us Grant had crashed. As we ran toward him, we could hear him crying out as he laid on the ground.  This kid has been through it and it’s not often that he complains of pain.  He’ll complain of a bug bite, but not pain. 🙃  I knew he was hurt but there was no visual evidence of where. I went home with the other three kids to get a vehicle while Rudy stayed with Grant. Once Rudy got him in the truck, they went straight to Cook Children’s urgent care in Prosper. As soon as they saw him and heard what had happened, they wanted to send him to a hospital. He was transported to Medical City Plano (because they are level 1 trauma) by ambulance. After X-rays and a CT scan, they determined that the damage was to his left kidney. They did an angiogram to try to stop the bleeding. He was admitted to ICU for monitoring and that’s where we are as I write on Sunday evening. 
But the most overwhelming one is PEACE. 
God has been faithful so many times (as you can read in this blog) that I know I can trust him to be faithful now.  Don’t get me wrong…this situation stinks. And if I could go back and change it, I would. But the peace that passes understanding is a real thing when you know Jesus. Know Him! Trust Him! He is good and he cares for us. 
This time things have been a little different because Grant is 15, not 5. He has already been reflective on how God is going to get the glory from this situation. Where is the “good” that is going to come from this? I’m thankful that I’m seeing my children live out the truths they know. God IS good. He WILL be glorified in all things. We can TRUST Him. He IS faithful. Prayer works! 
We live in a fallen world. Things are hard. Our hard may be different than somebody else’s hard. But God is always the same, yesterday, today, and forever. 
I could go a lifetime without ever having to see one of my children in a hospital bed again. But reality is, that may or may not happen. (And if you know us very well, it’s not likely.). But either way, my faith is in the the One who created them. And I choose to trust that he holds them, and me. And one day, we will have no more pain and suffering and will spend eternity praising our Savior. Thank you Jesus!
We are also so thankful for our people, our friends and family that have rallied around us. We have been blessed by so many of you. 
We continue to ask for prayers. Grant is still in a lot of pain that is hard to manage at times. His kidney seems to have begun healing itself. But the doctor told us this will be a lengthy road to full recovery. 


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