Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Doing Great....

We had the clinic to ourselves all morning.....
Watching Mickey on the iPad while recovering from the spinal.....

Grant had his clinic visit yesterday which included a spinal tap. He did great, of course. It's so interesting to look back at his progression through this whole process. Yesterday he was so matter-of-fact. He simply said, "Mom, I don't like back pokes." And then we went in to the clinic and he did everything he needed to do without fuss. His spinal went fine, but the medicine he gets to make him loopy during the procedure has been a little hard on him the last couple of times. It makes his vision blurry, so it makes him a little nauseous. We knew that this time, so we took things a little slower after the procedure. We hung out at the clinic for a little while and had some lunch. He was feeling much better by the time we left and we made it home without incident.
His counts were high (again) and he has grown quite a bit in the the last 1-2 months. So, the chemo went up and so did the steroids. Ouch! He is always pretty emotional and weepy on clinic days. Yesterday was no different. But, we will just have to be prepared for what the increase in steroids may cause. Gotta get ready for lots of hugs! :)
Dr. Heym gave us lots of good news yesterday though. He actually gave us a hard end date of August 20th, 2012. So exciting! And that means only 2 more spinal taps. Grant was almost giddy. There will still be medicine and clinic visits, but the worst will be over. Looking forward to the home stretch. Thank you for your continued prayers!