People ask me why I still go to my kids' practices. And my answer is: I want to be there. These are the things that are important to them and I want to be a part of it. I love that they talk about the funny things that were said at practice on the ride home. They want to analyze their performance. They replay their favorite moments and ask me if I saw "it". So, even though I can't make them all, I will be there when I can. I feel the years slipping away and I want to soak up every moment. (I just hope he lets me ride along when he starts driving himself. Ha!)
Tonight was especially sweet. Grant was able to return to practice. You could not wipe the smile off his face. He was just so thankful to be on the court. And his happiness made this mama happy. I'm also so thankful for this amazing group of boys that have walked alongside him through this and fought for him. The blessings of these friendships are a gift from God. (And they did a great job staying out of the "no contact" zone.)
Grant saw the urologist for a check up today. He has had almost no bleeding and the clot had shrunk significantly. He was released to do activities that do not involve contact, even riding a bike! He is hoping/planning to be back to playing with his team by the first of the year. This is truly a miracle and his spirits were lifted today. We are so grateful for all the prayers and ask that you continue to pray for complete healing.