Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Great Numbers!

Grant went to the clinic for a CBC today. The nurses were able to make an exception to the rules for Grant. If he is just getting a CBC, they are supposed to take the blood from a vein in his arm. But last time they had to do that, it was very traumatic. Grant was screaming and I couldn't really hold him still. He was asking for them to do it in his tummy/port. So, today they just accessed his port and took the blood from there. It went much better. We were just checking his numbers to make sure they were on their way up so that he could start chemo again on Tuesday. We also needed to know if he needed any transfusions. His numbers looked amazing!! God is so good to answer our prayers and we appreciate all of you being prayer warriors for Grant. His ANC was 140 on Friday and he got 2 doses of chemo. Today it was 3390!! His other numbers were up too.
The doctor who saw him today said we could have started his next round of chemo today b/c he had already made numbers. However, I told the doctor that Grant had been complaining of pain when he urinated for the last 24 hours. They took a urine sample and ran some tests. The results they got in the office showed blood in his urine. There are a few reasons this could have happened, so they are sending a sample off for more testing. He may have to go on an antibiotic at home for a few days. But, this should not prevent him from starting chemo next Tuesday.
As a side note, Grant also went to the podiatrist today. I told him her name (Dr. Crane) so when she came in the room I said "there's Dr. ...." and waited for him to finish. He thought for a second and said "Dr. Foot!". :) Pretty funny. She said she could see improvement from his last visit and he got new orthodics for his shoes. She commented on the fact that he was wearing flip flops which are terrible for him, no support. But, I had dressed him in flip flops b/c everytime he goes to the clinic he has to take his shoes off to be weighed and measured. We just can't win. ;)

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