We also appreciate those of you who were praying for his soccer game this morning. They won! Grant scored 2 goals! I was so worried that the steroids were going to effect his balance and stamina to the point that it would frustrate him. He also complained of leg pain yesterday and this morning, which is usually caused by the chemo he gets in his port on clinic day. But, he went out there and played so hard. Of course, Rudy and I could tell a difference, but thankfully, he did not. He just played his little heart out. And it was SO hot. I'm just so proud of him. Can you tell???
Then we rushed off to music class. We are so priveleged to get to do this each semester. And we are so grateful for all of our friends that make this happen.
Grant's took the last of this round of steroids last night, so we should be on our way back up. Thank you again for all of your thoughts and please continue to remember Grant in your prayers. His ANC is still pretty low, so he is at a higher risk for illness. But, we know he is in God's hands. Isn't that a wonderful thought?!
"When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I prais, in God I trust, I will not be afraid." Psalm 56:3-4