Saturday, September 18, 2010

Upward Soccer

Thank you all for your prayers this week. Grant had an absolutely GREAT week! We had our moments, but I didn't seem to lose him in frustration and crying. We were able to talk about what was upsetting him and work through it. He is such an amazing kid!

We also appreciate those of you who were praying for his soccer game this morning. They won! Grant scored 2 goals! I was so worried that the steroids were going to effect his balance and stamina to the point that it would frustrate him. He also complained of leg pain yesterday and this morning, which is usually caused by the chemo he gets in his port on clinic day. But, he went out there and played so hard. Of course, Rudy and I could tell a difference, but thankfully, he did not. He just played his little heart out. And it was SO hot. I'm just so proud of him. Can you tell???

Then we rushed off to music class. We are so priveleged to get to do this each semester. And we are so grateful for all of our friends that make this happen.

Grant's took the last of this round of steroids last night, so we should be on our way back up. Thank you again for all of your thoughts and please continue to remember Grant in your prayers. His ANC is still pretty low, so he is at a higher risk for illness. But, we know he is in God's hands. Isn't that a wonderful thought?!

"When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I prais, in God I trust, I will not be afraid." Psalm 56:3-4

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Little Sprouts

I had every intention of blogging about the first day of school, but now they've been 3 times. The boys started preschool this year at Little Sprouts Preschool at our church. Grant goes M, T, Th and Trent goes T, Th. It has been a wonderful experience. Grant and Trent have come home every day talking about the fun things they are doing. It's always strange to have to explain Grant's situation in a new environment, especially when he doesn't look sick. But, his teacher said that he did great his first day on steroids at school. We were praying for that. We are looking forward to a great school year!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back on the Roller Coaster

Grant had his regularly scheduled clinic visit today, which included a spinal tap this time. He did amazing! He's getting so good at this, I'm not going to have anything to report pretty soon. He got cream on with no problems. He waltzed into the clinic talking to everybody. He even laughed while he got his port accessed. I know! Crazy! But, then he realized he was going to have to get a back poke (spinal) when the nurse asked to put cream on his back. He did it, but did not want to. When he went in to have his exam with Dr. Heym, he would not talk to him. It was weird b/c he usually does and he had been chatting it up with everybody. Then, when he got loopy, we went in for his procedure. We were waiting for Dr. Heym to come in the room with us and all the nurses. So, somebody said, "Where is Dr. Heym?" And Grant chimed in with, "I don't want Dr. Heym in here!" That's why he hadn't wanted to even talk to him, b/c he knew he was going to be giving him a back poke. He's no dummy! He cried during the actual poke and it breaks my heart to see those big, sad tears dripping off his face as he leans forward onto a pillow. But, he recovers pretty quickly. He still has to lay flat on his back for 30 minutes after the procedure to help prevent headaches. That's always a funny time b/c he is loopy and very talkative. All in all, it was a successful day at the clinic....successful, not easy.
Grant was nauseous off and on for the rest of the day. After the loopy medicine wore off, he began crying....about everything. He cries at the drop of a hat. Then, he's frustrated b/c he can't control why he is crying, which makes him cry more. Then, I cry. My heart breaks for him.
Please keep us in your prayers this week as we all walk a tough road.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Light the Night 2010

We have a team again this year for the Light the Night walk to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Grant is excited and is recounting all the things he can remember about last year. It was such a highlight for him during a pretty rough time. We would love to have all of you join our team and join us for a great time in Fort Worth on Oct. 10th. The festivities begin at 5:00. If you would like to join the team or make a donation to LLS, go to We are looking forward to another great time this year!