Monday, March 7, 2011

"They gave me something"

That's what Grant said today at the clinic when he couldn't walk straight. And yes we did! It was the same medicine he had been taking orally to make him loopy, but this time it was a little stronger by IV. It worked much better. He just said 'ow' when Dr. Heym did his back poke (spinal tap) and that was it. He even laughed when the nurse took the bandage off his port. That has never happened. Yay drugs!
His counts were still too high today. So, his chemo is going up again. This is the 3rd month in a row that we have increased chemos. He has had some tummy issues this evening and has been very weepy. He didn't start his steroids until tonight, so we may have a very teary week ahead.

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