Monday, May 16, 2011

That's not fair!

Tonight, while Grant was getting ready for bed, he looks at me and says, "Mom, it's not fair that I have to have leukemia and Trent doesn't." He had just taken about 11 pills and Trent went running by the bathroom laughing and playing with Rudy. He definitely realizes that not everyone has to do the yucky things he does. So, we talked about it and I told him he was right, it is not fair. It's a BIG "NOT FAIR". But, he is going to be so awesome b/c he can deal with all the things that are not fair in life. Then, he talked to Rudy about it and Rudy told him how tough this was making him. And that he was so tough for doing all the things he has to do and fighting leukemia. It broke our hearts to hear him talk like that. But, one thing he was sure of, he did NOT want Trent to have leukemia. Praying for a very special friendship between Grant & Trent.


  1. Oh Grant, I so know how you feel! Even at my age of doesn't seem fair. Think of it as strengthening.. You will be stronger and oh so able to help and sympathise with others that may have to go through the same as you. So hard to understand now, but you will!! Keep on being strong my little friend! You are such an encourager and you don't even know it!! Life is not fair but God is so good!

  2. I'll never forget the day Lexi said .. I am tired of taking chemo daddy!! .. It is so hard to hear that from your little one.. but you guys are so right.. Lexi is the strongest little girl i have ever met!! and Grant is one of the strongest young men that I have ever met!! Hang in there GRANT!! You da Man!! We are praying for you big guy!!
