Well, here we are, first grade! Grant was very excited to go back to school today. We went to meet the teacher last week and Grant loves her. :) God is good! I was chatting with her to give her a little background information on Grant. And she has had a student in her class before with leukemia! I couldn't have planned that better. Thank goodness God is in control!
He went to the clinic yesterday for his first check-up with NO CHEMO. They will continue to access his port as long as he still has it, b/c it has to be flushed. We scheduled a consultation with the surgeon for this Friday, so we will be able to schedule the surgery to have his port removed at that time. At this point, we are looking for "normal" counts, which would be anything over 1500. (Yes, he has been in the normal range for most of treatment.) Grant has also been completely cleared to resume "normal" life as he would if this had never happened. The only difference is we still have to call if he gets a fever. I use the word "normal" loosely. What does that really mean?!?! :) Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.