Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Psalm 121:5

The Lord Himself watches over you. Psalm 121:5

Again, I was spoken to by reading Grant's children's Bible at bedtime last night. God just reminded me through His Word of what He had done for us all day. We are so thankful for all of you that were lifting Grant up to our Heavenly Father and He has proven Himself faithful again.

We spent 12 hours in the emergency room yesterday. Grant had some kind of a neruological episode about 8:00 in the morning. He couldn't stand or walk. His speach was extremely slurred and labored. He was drooling excessively and he couldn't hold his eyes open. The strangest thing is that he didn't know that anything was wrong. He was trying to go on about his morning normally. I called Rudy and he met me at the ER, which was overflowing with people all wearing masks. Rudy and the boys stayed outside and I braved the ER to get a Dr. Thankfully, when I told them we were a hemotology/oncology (H/O) patient, they all jumped into action. They took us to a private room (with a door). You all know how the ER works. From this point, we saw about a million doctors and nurses and we were there all day. They took blood and urine samples and did a CT scan and MRI. Everything came back completely normal! Praise God! Dr. Heym did come to see us in the ER and did a neurological exam and found no deficiencies. After getting all the test results, the conclusion is that this was a side effect of his chemo. Because the chemo he gets through his spinal tap can also bathe the brain, this kind of thing can happen. Dr. Heym said they have seen this, but they have never seen a kid return to normal activity in such a short time (about 30 min.) Praise God! He will continue to get chemo by spinal tap for the rest of his 3 year treatment period. Dr. Heym said the risk of relapse in the spinal fluid outweighed the risk of this happening again, b/c the effect of the episodes is usually reversable.

Grant was so great all day in that tiny little ER room. We got there about 9:30 a.m. and left at 10:30 p.m. They got the results of the CT scan by about noon. But, there was a miscommunication somewhere b/c we asked if Grant could eat and they brought him a bag of cookies. Then, just as he was finishing them, the Dr. came in to tell us the results of the CT scan and that they were going to need to do the MRI. The MRI was going to require sedation b/c Grant had to lay still for an hour. Well, b/c he had the bag of cookies, we had to wait 6 hours for them to get out of his stomach so he could be sedated. That was the worst news of the day! Grant watched movies, colored, read a book, and played with a beenie baby they brought him. The worst part was him begging for snacks all day. They came to get us about 6:45. He did really great with the sedation, but it is always hard to see your child be drugged and put to sleep. Grant was clutching 2 snacks as he went to sleep that he planned to eat as soon as he woke up!

Rudy and I made lots of promises while we were stuck in the ER. We didn't realize it was going to be soooo late when we left. And Grant wanted us to keep them, like eating pizza. Thankfully, I was able to talk him out of the pizza with a Frosty from Wendy's on the way home. Ice cream for dinner! What an awesome mom!! :)

This was one of the scariest things I have ever witnessed. I don't ever want to have to see my child like that again. I keep replaying it over and over, especially since I had to keep telling it over and over to the doctors and nurses. Grant is a tough little boy and God has him in the palm of His hand. Thanks again to all who were praying us through all of this.


  1. Hi Amy,
    Praise God on Grant's quick recovery from yesterday. God is good. I continue to pray for you all daily.


  2. Thank God Grant is doing well. I am so sorry about this and will continue to keep you all in my prayers.


  3. So sorry you have to go through this, but knowing God continues to hold you in the palm of His hand. I'm sure it was a horrible experience to watch as his mom. I just love your boys and pray that God raises up mighty men that grow to love Him even more through the struggles they have had to go through. We continue to pray for you daily!

  4. How scary. I am so sorry you guys had to go through that. I will be praying it never happens again. I have never heard of anyone else with ALL having that happen.
