Friday, October 22, 2010

Still Here

Grant's ANC is 40. So, we get to stay here. :) Dr. Heym says that he sounds/looks good and that all his other numbers have come up. Basically, that one is just lagging behind. He did not seem concerned, but we are just going to have to wait for it to come up. The risk being that if we go home and he can't fight something off, then we will be right back up here starting all over. So we wait! He said if Grant's ANC could get over 100 tomorrow, then he would get us out of here. He is not on-call this weekend, but said he would communicate with the on-call doctors. One piece of good news is that Grant's fever is staying normal. This means that we are allowed out of the hospital room and can go walk around the floor and go to the playroom. That helps a lot. We were going stir crazy in this room.
When Grant gets to go home, he will be isolated. He will not be able to do the things he was doing before he got sick (preschool, soccer) until his counts completely recover. His chemo will be held until his ANC is back over 500.

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