Sunday, October 17, 2010

What?! The Hospital?

That's right. We are in the hospital. Grant spiked a fever last night about 1:30. We prayed and stalled all night, but decided we needed to bring him in this morning about 7:30. Grant has done absolutely wonderful. He has been so cooperative and compliant even though he feels terrible. They took blood and cultures and did x-rays of his chest and sinuses in the ER. His counts were very low (ANC 40) and the x-rays diagnosed sinusitus and pneumonia. The tests came back negative for flu and RSV.
He was admitted to the hospital. Dr. Heym was the on-call oncologist today, so he met us in the room to examine him. The ER doc, Dr. Heym and the nurses all say how good he looks for being this sick. He will have to be here until he is without fever for 48 hours and his counts are on the way back up, which will probably be at least Wed., since he still has fever as I write.
Dr. Heym gave us a hard time for not calling at 1:30 when he first got to 101. We gave Dr. Heym a hard time b/c I called on Friday afternoon about Grant's cough and he told us to wait it out at least through the weekend. He's a Yankee fan. What does he know?? Either way, we're here now.
Rudy and I are pretty bummed. It's been almost a year since he was last in the hospital. But, he doesn't seem to mind. When we asked him last night if he needed to go to the hospital to get some medicine, he said yes. Then he said b/c he wanted to eat the yummy food they have there. He's had 2 bowls of Cheerios. He eats Cheerios everyday at home. ?????
He has been able to rest some since we've been here. He is dozing off and on. He chose to watch football over movies or cartoons. He is his father's son! So, I guess it's just a lazy Sunday the hospital.
Grant is able to have visitors. But, everyone will have to wear a mask, b/c his counts are so low. We are in room 3112.

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