Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Baby Steps


Grant has been making small improvements each day.  His appetite is returning.  I've caught him in the pantry snacking the last 2 days.  That's a praise!  He's sleeping a little better each night.  He has not slept in his own bed because his room is upstairs and he's not quite ready to tackle those yet.  But, sleep is good for everyone!  His blood counts had also increased at his visit to the pediatrician on Tuesday. It's going in the right direction.  I also just want to say THANK YOU for every card, text, gift, meal, prayer, visit and every other way that you guys have loved on our entire family.  It's truly been overwhelming and we are so very grateful.

Some prayer requests:

Grant is still bleeding.  This was concerning to us, his pediatrician, and the urologist UNTIL the urologist looked at his medical chart including his CT scans (which he did prior to his appointment on Friday and gave us a call today).  He kept reiterating how serious of an injury this was and that Grant is just lucky to have his kidney.  So, at this point, we are still waiting because he will need to stop bleeding eventually.  Also, we know that he's not just lucky.  He is being held in God's sovereign hand.

Grant is severely out of alignment.  You can see from the picture that if he stands on his right foot, his left foot does not touch the ground.  This is obviously uncomfortable in most positions; standing, sitting and lying down.  The chiropractor told him that it can be corrected, but it is going to be a long, slow process.  Right now, he needs his muscles to release so that he can be adjusted.  And that is secondary to caring for his kidney.

Thank you for praying!

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