Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Update to my update

I typed this this morning and I wanted to still publish it.  A more recent update is below.

Grant had a pretty good day yesterday and slept well last night.  This morning his pain has increased again so we are trying to get that under control.  This has definitely been a roller coaster ride so far.  It just feels like we aren't making much progress.  Everything seems to be remaining about the same.  He has been agitated and seems frustrated this morning.  He got a CT scan around noon yesterday, but none of the doctors have been in to tell us what it showed.  That has been frustrating for me.  Some of his blood counts dropped overnight and there was increased blood in his urine.  It sounds concerning, but I don't really know what any of that means.  Please pray for: a spirit of peace over Grant, that his pain would subside, that the doctors would give us some answers, and of course, for complete healing. 


The trauma team came in to give us an update.  His kidney still looks very beat up which was to be expected.  But, God totally revealed himself in the report.  When he injured the kidney, it nearly split it in two.  Most people have one artery going to their kidney.  If that had been the case, he probably would have lost at least half his kidney.  However, God gave Grant 2 arteries going to his kidney.  One went to each side and that's the reason they were able to save his kidney.  God created Grant perfectly at birth.  He's not surprised by anything.  God is so good.  The rest of the report pales in comparison to that story.  There is still blood in his output because of the trauma to the kidney.  We are waiting for that to heal itself (God's design), enough to move to the next step.  Basically, he's going to be here for a few more days at least.  God is doing the healing and we just have to wait.  

Grant got some pain meds and has had some visitors.  The combination has helped him feel better.  We are actually planning a wheelchair ride outside later.  He's going to continue to be up and down for a while.  We are just along for the ride. 

Thank you again for your continued support.  The texts are very encouraging and your acts of kindness are overwhelming.  

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