Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Great Start!

We had a great day at the hospital/clinic. It was extremely long, but was tolerable b/c Grant was in such great spirits. He did really well with his spinal tap procedure. Upon request, they did the anesthesia a little different than last week and it worked much better. He stayed asleep the whole hour after the procedure that he had to lay flat on his back. I woke him by asking him if he was ready for a snack? Of course he was. He immediately started trying to sit up.

Then, we went to the clinic. He had to be without fluids to go under anesthesia for the procedure. But, he had to be REALLY hydrated to be able to receive the chemotherapy treatments today. So, we hit a little snag waiting for him to get hydrated enough to start the chemotherapy. Once he started the chemo., it took 1 hour to administer and then he had to have 4 more hours of hydration. All that said, we left the hospital about 8:30 tonight. We arrived at the hospital at 8:30 this morning. LONG DAY!

Grant did awesome!!! He woke up from the procedure asking to go to the playroom in the clinic. He played all day! He talked to the doctors and nurses and was very friendly. We didn't actually meet with Dr. Heym today, but each time we saw him he said, "What's up Big G?" and that made Grant laugh. He handled the day a lot better than we expected. My mom went with me today, as Rudy needed to get back to work. We have an appointment tomorrow in Grapevine at 3:00 and Friday in F.W. at 7:45. Grant had to take 2 new medicines tonight at home. They are both pills, so that makes things a little difficult, but he managed. One of the drugs today could likely cause nausea. He has not shown any signs and we are praying that he is the exception to the rule. We've already talked about going back to the clinic tomorrow and he has decided to take Larryboy with him. We ask him who he wants to go with him each day and he chooses a different stuffed animal. He thinks that's fun.

Trent got a great report on his behavior today. He stayed with some very dear friends today that were so great to take on such a big, long task. Trent is a special little boy!

1 comment:

  1. I could tell that Grant had set up his area to color...the crayons were in a neat row ready to go. That's our Grant! Have fun at the Zoo.
