Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More Like Grant

We continue to see more little pieces of Grant come back. One of the biggest things to me is at bedtime. We always say "Night Night...Love You" and Grant whispers it back. But, since he was in the hospital, he has not said anything back. It was so sad to me not to hear him say that b/c he always had such a sleepy grin on his face. Well, he has started saying it again this week and it has been so sweet. There are so many little things like that, even his attitude has improved this week. He is really slimming down b/c he still doesn't have much appetite. But, somehow, still has lots of energy. He has a great time swimming (at private pools). He can swim as long as we don't have to bring his noodle home.
Trent is still doing a great job adapting to new locations. He is struggling a little with being left all the time though. He stays pretty close to me if I am up walking around. He's afraid I am going to leave him. He is such a sweety! Rudy is actually rocking him to sleep right now, which we never do. He was having a really hard time going to sleep.
It has been difficult for me to juggle my time. I feel like all of my time with the boys is spent driving Trent somewhere and taking Grant to the clinic. If we aren't at the clinic, I am trying to get some work done and make up for time lost. Again, it is just a struggle trying to find that 'new normal'.

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