Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy Juice???

We've been saying all along that God is doing miracles in our lives everyday. But, sometimes they are easier to see. Today was one of those times. Grant went in for the first in a series of six shots of chemo in his legs. They told us that he would have to have one in each leg every time. When we got there today, they were so excited to tell us that they were going to be able to do it with one shot each time. Yay...half as many shots! We put cream on Grant's leg, which he doesn't like and it makes him walk funny. But, he just went on playing. Then, it was time for the shot. The nurses and child life advocate, Denee, were dreading it. Grant and I went into the procedure room and Denee gave him a viewfinder. The nurse asked me if I wanted her to count for him, but I thought the anticipation would be worse for him, so I told her to surprise him. He was playing with the viewfinder and asked me to look inside. When I did, he jumped and squealed. We both looked down and Melinda already had the needle in his leg. I redirected him to the viewfinder, she finished with the shot, and we were done. No crying!! No screaming!! It was the most amazing thing I had seen and the nurses were speechless. Most of the time, when I come out of the room crying, it's b/c I'm stressed and drained. This time I came out crying b/c I was so thankful for answered prayer. Isn't it funny how we pray for something, but then we are so amazed when God does exactly what we asked? They observed him after his shot and he didn't show any signs of a reaction.
Grant had a really wonderful day all around. He felt better today. And we kept joking that they gave him the wrong medicine in his shot and it was happy juice instead of chemo. He was so pleasant all day. He is also taking his oral medications much better. He is still struggling with congestion and difficulty breathing. We got a new prescription today to help with allergies, so we are hoping that will ease his discomfort. All in all, this was a great end to a very difficult week.
Grant will go back on Monday for another shot and 2 chemos in his port. Then again on Wed. and Friday for more shots.
Please keep praying. Our lives are a daily testimony that prayer is powerful.


  1. Praying for more distractions on shot days! :o)
    We love you guys and are lifting you up!

  2. That is unbelievable! Way to go Grant!
