Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 12

Today has been kind of a strange day. We are very excited to be free from the hospital. But, home just isn't home yet. Grant acts like it's a strange place and he doesn't really know what to do. He is still very fatigued and weak. So, climbing the stairs is a pretty big task right now, when it used to be something he did over and over again. He actually asked me to go to bed tonight.
It is good to have the boys back together again. The one thing Grant kept asking me when we left the hospital was when we were going to get Trent.
We all have some adjusting to do. Trent seemed to have a little difficulty tonight. He's not eating much. Rudy and I are just going to need patience. We're just not really sure what the future holds.


  1. So happy to hear your are all home together again. Praying for God's strength in the days ahead.

  2. But we know WHO holds the future...
