Friday, May 1, 2009

The Treatment Plan

We've had a lot of questions about what the plan of action is. I will try to tell you to the best of my knowledge. :)
The first 30 days are the most critical. Grant started treatment on Wed. so we are on day 3. For these 30 days, he will be taking an oral steriod form of chemo. twice a day. He will be getting a dose of chemo. through his IV port once a week. He will receive a chemo. shot in the muscle in his leg which is scheduled for Monday. And he will be receiving a chemo. treament in his spinal fluid on days 8 and 29. All of these are different drugs. So, as you can imagine, there are a plethora of possible side effects. The absolute most critical checkpoint is day 29. He must have less than .01% leukemia cells to begin his maintenance phase. If there are more than .01%, he will have to continue with aggresive, intensified chemo.
We are learning A LOT.
The other question we are getting is when we will get to go home. They originally told us we would be here for 10-14 days. The determining factors will be:
*if his test at day 8 comes back with at least <5% leukemia cells; if not, we will probably have to stay for the next test on day 15
*how well his blood count is cycling; does he still need blood transfusions
*if his white blood cell count is out of the 'increased risk for infection' range
So, we really won't know until we get to that point

1 comment:

  1. Amy and Rudy, this is awesome. I check it several times a day to see what is going on. I am so glad he is feeling better. I know you are busy taking care of the little man and so we are trying not to bug yall. Just know we are praying each and every day and call me if you need anything. The Garrett's
